I work on machine learning and digital data, applied in low income economies.

I am Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. I lead the AI and Development initiative at CDEP, am an affiliate of BREAD and J-PAL, and a member of the Data Science Institute. I have a PhD in economics from Harvard University.
My contact is dan[@]bjorkegren[.]com and office is IAB 1401B.

Selected writing:
with Jun Ho Choi, Divya Budihal, Dominic Sobhani, Oliver Garrod, and Paul Atherton
with Samsun Knight and Joshua Blumenstock
Accepted, Review of Economic Studies
with Joshua Blumenstock and Samsun Knight
Revision requested (third round), American Economic Review
Rolf, Simchowitz, Dean, Liu, Björkegren, Hardt, and Blumenstock
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (2020)