I work on machine learning and digital data, applied in developing economies.
Machine Learning
Replaces workshop paper Are LLMs Useful in the Poorest Schools? theTeacherAI in Sierra Leone with Jun Ho Choi, Oliver Garrod, Paul Atherton, Andrew Joyce-Gibbons, and Miriam Mason-Sesay, presented at NeurIPS Workshop on Generative AI for Education (2023).
Media: Development Impact
Media: Development Impact
Accepted, Review of Economic Studies. Presented at ACM EAAMO (2021)
Revision requested (third round), American Economic Review. Video (30m) | How do you say algorithm in Kiswahili?
Submitted. Video (2m) | R package
Replaces previous paper Non-Choice Evaluations Predict Behavioral Responses to Changes in Economic Conditions with B. Douglas Bernheim, Jeffrey Naecker, and Antonio Rangel.
Replaces previous paper Non-Choice Evaluations Predict Behavioral Responses to Changes in Economic Conditions with B. Douglas Bernheim, Jeffrey Naecker, and Antonio Rangel.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (2020)
Workshop paper presented at NeurIPS Joint Workshop on AI for Social Good (2019). Best Paper Award
Workshop paper presented at NeurIPS Joint Workshop on AI for Social Good (2019). Best Paper Award
IMF Finance & Development (2023) Issue on AI
Network Industries
Review of Economic Studies (2019) Slides | Supplemental Appendix
RAND Journal of Economics (2022) Slides | Supplemental Appendix
Journal of Development Economics (2022)
Harvard Business Review (2021), website
Digital Credit
World Bank Economic Review (2020) Original Proposal (posted 2010)
Media (2015): NPR Morning Edition, The World Bank (syndicated to World Economic Forum), New Scientist, Radio New Zealand
Media (2015): NPR Morning Edition, The World Bank (syndicated to World Economic Forum), New Scientist, Radio New Zealand
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings (2018)
Forthcoming, Economic Development and Cultural Change. Pre-Analysis Plan
Big Data for Development
ACM Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS) (2021) Blog Post
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) (2020)
Other Papers